Two stage thermoelectric modules

The required Peltier module types are selected from the General Specification or from the tables given below, based on the marking Х ТМ-ААА-ВВ-ССМ, where:

  • Х — number of stages in a thermoelectric module
  • TM — thermoelectric module
  • AAA — number of thermocouples in the module’s first stage
  • BB — number of thermocouples in the module’s second stage
  • CC — current at maximum temperature difference ΔTmax, А
  • М — modules manufactured using the patented glue layers technology

Two stage module design example:

Imax — current consumption at maximum temperature difference (ΔTmax), A
Umax — voltage supplied at maximum temperature difference (ΔTmax), V
Qcmax — maximum cooling capacity at Imax and ΔT = 0 °C, W
ΔTmax — maximum temperature difference at Imaх and Qc = 0, °C

At the customer’s request, modules may be manufactured with the additional options mentioned above.

Two — stage thermoelectric modules are basically customized modules. Please contact Ferrotec Nord for all issues concerning the design .and manufacture of such modules.

Basic applications of two- and multistage thermoelectric modules are:

  • industrial electronics and telecommunication systems
  • cooling systems for industrial and medical equipment
  • infrared and nuclear radiation sensors cooling
  • matrix cooling in night vision devices
  • CCD matrix cooling etc.
Imax,A Umax,V dTmax,C Qcmax,W Cold side Hot side Height
2TM-127-31-5.0 5 15.5 84 17 40*40 40*40 11.7
2TM-127-63-6.5 6.5 16 84 32 40*40 40*40 7.5