New TE Power Generation product line
Ferrotec Nord represents new TE power generation product line
Z increase announced by Ferrotec Nord
Dear Partners,
We are pleased to inform you that Ferrotec Nord Corp. improved the efficiency of serial modules from average value of Z at 2.85×10-3 K-1 up to 2.92×10-3 K-1. Such change means average increase of ΔTmax by 1.5 °C.
Z value improvement is achieved by the raw materials improvements before thermoelectric materials synthesis and without changes in the other current production technologies.
It’s important to emphasize that the improvements do not lead to modules’ prices increase.
ANTICOR THERMA plus™- new technology of thermoelectric modules corrosion protection implemented.
ANTICOR THERMA plus™- first technology that fully protects all metal parts of thermoelectric module by internal coating. PDF
ANTICOR THERMA plus™- passed long term examinations in different environments and can be exploited in extended range of temperatures and any type of thermoelectric modules. PDF
CERN, Geneva. Ferrotec Nord is announced as an official CERN TEMs supplier
Ferrotec Nord was officially established as TEMs supplier for European Organization for Nuclear Research CERN , Geneva, Switzerland. We passed testing of thermoelectric modules and are beginning to supply The Large Hadron Collider (LHC).
By establishing such relationship with CERN, Ferrotec Nord recieves an opportunity to take part in the giant global scientific project and to improve its R&D possibilities in unique scientific environment.